Everyone is invited to create a scarecrow week of Oct 14th.
The contest is open to individuals, businesses, organizations, schools, and clubs within Wheatland Township.
There is no fee for entry. Entry is appreciated and required to win.
Participants are responsible for supplying all materials for their scarecrow.
Scarecrow design and type are completely up to the participants. Be
Scarecrows need to be registered, completed and displayed by October 21st.
Scarecrows must be in good taste and appropriate for viewing by the public and families. Must be absent of adult, political, and religious themes. No frightening, scary, violent, gruesome, or bloody entries will be accepted.
Your exhibit may include more than one figure, but not more than three
There will be three winners each receiving $100 prize: People’s Choice Award, and Best in Show- Non Resident (Business, Organization, etc), Best in Show- Resident
Scarecrows and accessories will need to be picked up or eliminated on November 1st by the participants.
Scarecrows will be displayed in the Remus Tavern open Lot or in front of businesses from October 21st-October 31st.
Entry Forms must be filled out and sent to Remus DDA before October 20th.