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Michigan Small Business Relief Grant

The website for Mecosta County Economic Development is: and has resource info also. The deadline for submitting is Friday at 5PM. Some previous year financial info is also required on the application.

Attention businesses – Note April 3 deadline. Do you have a need for capital to cover payroll, mortgages/rent, utilities, etc. during last two weeks+ due to the Coronavirus shutdown?

The Michigan Small Business Relief Program offers grants and low-interest loans that can be used for working capital to help support payroll expenses, rent, mortgage payments, utility expenses, or other similar expenses that occur in the ordinary course of business. Mecosta County Development Corporation is the point of contact for the grant applications for all Mecosta County businesses effected. It has a local committee that will review each application and make recommendations to the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC). The MEDC will then authorize payment through The Right Place which is acting as the fiduciary for this project. All applications for the MI Small Business Relief grant funding in Mecosta County are to be submitted to Mecosta County Development Corporation

By 5 p.m. this Friday August 3. Businesses with fewer than 50 employee impacted by the executive orders imposed by the governor are eligible.

Also go to,9753,7-406-98163-523333–,00.html for the official announcement about the program.

For more information, contact:

Jim Sandy, President Mecosta County Development Corporation 14330 Northland Drive Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231)250.9226 Check the website : from time to time for updates.

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